Geo-Urban Consulting provides urban planning, architectural design and spatial analysis services. Whether you are looking to improve a lot, an entire block or transform a district, Geo-Urban Consulting will use a combination of GIS, 3D modeling and visualization tools, to help your team define a vision.
When engaging multiple stakeholders is necessary, Geo-Urban Consulting can help your team create a time-efficient and results driven engagement process to reduce overall time from project pre-development to approval.
To help you reach out to your community or promote your business, Geo-Urban Consulting uses data to help you understand underlying market conditions and direct outreach campaigns to your clients to meet their needs. Geo-Urban Consulting draws upon 20 years of Urban Development, Mapping, Community Development and Architectural Design experience in the private, non-profit and public sectors. We also provide services in English, French and Spanish.
Our Services
Strategic Neighborhood Planning

Digital Mapping
Thematic Maps & Spatial Analysis Maps
3D Modeling & Visualization

Community Outreach & Engagement